Doggie Beer Bones

Doggie Beer Bones is a San Diego based company who hand bake artisanal dog biscuits from the local craft beer scenes spent brewers grain. The grain is packed with nutrients, gluten free, and great for pups. They came to us with a vision and their existing packaging as a starting point for the visual style, the rest was up to us!

We began the process by talking about goals for the website. The top objective was building Doggie Beer Bones brand through education about the quality of their product and fun filled graphics. This was followed closely by a platform to showcase to prospective wholesalers and an easy to use and update e-commerce platform. Using these initial objectives as a guide we put together a site map and wireframes to analyze the organization of information and possible user flows. The two main users we built the site in mind were dog owners interested in finding out more information and wholesalers. With the ‘bones’ of the site laid we moved onto the visual language of the site.

Using their packaging as a base we set to work expanding their visual lexicon. We started with color and type choices that would work in the digital space and showcase the brands playful nature, it is dog treats for beer lovers after all! Bold, sturdy type for headline typography with warm rounded type for the body text to illustrate the brands honest and friendly character. Laid over meandering rounded background in complimentary warm hues with fun paw print details the scene was set.

Upon entering the site we wanted the the user to be greeted with the DBB Logo bouncing its way into warmly lit scenes of pups and their humans at play. Next was to expand the logo of their mascot Biscuit from just a head to a full blown personality running the operations of DBB. We brought Biscuit to life utilizing GIF’s to illustrate the process in which the treats are made and tested. This served two functions, further strengthening the brands character, and more essentially to inform discerning owners of where their treats are coming from in a fun and friendly way.

To unify the brands expanded visual language to its written voice we worked with a copy writer to get the language used on the site to match the core brand values. We worked closely with the copy writer to create a friendly honest tone, one we would trust to watch our own loved pups. If you are in the market for a top quality treat for your top quality dogs, look no further than Doggie Beer Bones!